Mohammad Fadhil Hardiansyah Nafiz, -
Augmented Reality Application as Interactive Learning Media
Traditional Weapons Using Unity AR.
Technological advancements have widely permeated Indonesian society, particularly in education. The
challenges of globalization and modernization are expected to pose new challenges for the education sector in
creating interactive learning media to support the interest and willingness to learn among the younger
generation, who are already dominated by current technology. Therefore, innovative and engaging learning
approaches are necessary for students to actively participate in the teaching and learning process. The use of
Augmented Reality (AR) is said to foster creativity, partial imagination, and help control learning according to
their preferred learning styles, allowing teachers to create learning environments tailored to students' cognitive
styles. This research directly integrates augmented reality applications as a cultural arts learning media, where
students are assisted in learning innovatively and can actively interact with traditional weapons in Indonesia
virtually. This aids teachers in providing instruction on weapons without the need to fear the physical dangers of
weapon use. The agile method is utilized to ensure that changes are embraced, and evolving requirements can be
readily accommodated, providing clients with a guarantee of adaptability. The implementation of the augmented
reality application has received a very positive response with a score of 85.75%, indicating that it is well
received by MTsNGema students.
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